Dynamic Sport
The dynamic sportive expression of our art reflects the comprehensiveness and diversity of our system. Each of our students will learn the full breadth of combative sports to become proficient from standup striking, on the ground submission grappling, to both sword and stick fighting of all types, while instilling the most noble values of respect, honor, integrity, and humility.
“ As warriors, when we lose, we must lose graciously ;
When we win, we must win even more graciously. ”
— Grandmaster Taejoon Lee —

Yongtoogi — “Fight for Courage”
Standup Kick / Punch / Throw / Quick Submit Fighting
This is unique to Hwa Rang Do as we combine striking with hands and feet as well as takedowns and throws ; and once taken to the ground, they have 5 seconds to submit. If no submissions are successful, they are brought back onto their feet.
Gotoogi — “Fight to the End”
Position and Submission Grappling
Gotoogi is our version of both position grappling for beginners for control and positions and submission grappling for intermediate and advanced students. One learns throws and takedowns and once on the ground, the goal is to submit the opponent with arm locks, leg locks, or chokes.

Mugi Daeryun — “Weapon Fighting”
Gumtoogi — Sword Fighting
Gumtoogi is our version of sword fighting using the bamboo sword by not only attacking the traditional target areas of the head, wrists, body, and throat, but also allowing strikes to the legs as well as applying spinning/rotational attacks which allows for the full expression of Hwa Rang Do®’s multifaceted, comprehensive system.
Diversity of Swords: Gumtoogi is the application and fighting with all types of edged weapons. We also utilize swords of various lengths and combinations.
Jang Gum – Long Swords
Ssang Gum – Twin Medium Swords
Combination – One Short & One Long
Gum Bangpae - Sword & Shield (In the works)
Jang Chang – Spear (In the works)
Dan Gum – Knife Fighting (In the works)

Bongtoogi — Stick Fighting
Bongtoogi is our version of stick fighting using rattan sticks by attacking to target areas of the head, wrists, body, and throat, but also allowing strikes to the legs as well as applying spinning/rotational attacks which allows for the full expression of Hwa Rang Do®’s multifaceted, comprehensive system.
Diversity of Sticks: Bongtoogi is the application and fighting with all types of blunt weapons. We also utilize sticks of various lengths and combinations.
Jang Bong – Long Staff
Ssang Bong – Twin Medium Sticks
Jung Bong – Medium stick or Baton
Bong Bangpae – Stick and Shield (In the works)

Goongtoogi — Archery Dueling (In the works)
Goongtoogi is quick rapid fire dueling with the bow with foam tipped arrows.